27 Apr
Ship’s log, 19:47, 26 January 2214 Location: Gienah System, Corvus constellation Status: Sublight transit There’s a bitter taste in my mouth: I’ve decided to side with the pirates. It feels like someone has flushed acid through my ducts, or there’s a dustbunny in there, spitting with disgust. I’m backed into a corner. I could […]
Posted in 2.2: New Masters by: Melanie
04 May
Ship’s log, 20:03, 26 January 2213 Location: Gienah System, Corvus constellation Status: Sublight transit Our plan is set. I’m to make a suicidal FTL jump towards a star and ride the corona to the other side. I have to make everyone think I’ve melted in the heart of Gienah Sol, all to get enough […]
Posted in 2.2: New Masters by: Melanie
15 May
Ship’s log, 08:02, 28 January 2214 Location: Orbit around Gienah Sol Status: Partial sublight transit No more crazy FTL jumps for me. There’s a reason why they teach pilots never to do that and I came pretty close to the worst-case scenario. I have an awful list of injuries. It makes me glad that […]
Posted in 2.2: New Masters by: Melanie
25 May
Ship’s log, 10:27, 1 February 2214 Location: Positional orbit around Gienah Sol Status: Stationary Finally, I’m starting to feel whole again. My edges are the right shape, my skin has been repainted, and I have thrusters back in all the right places. My filaments are fixed and settled into their channels along my hull. […]
Posted in 2.2: New Masters by: Melanie