Archive for the '1: Identity' Category

17 Mar

The first

Ship’s log, 14:50, 17 March 2213 Location: Corsica system Status: Medium orbit around Corsica sol   Here I am, still drifting in circles. I suck up the heat and carry on, because that’s what I’m supposed to do. No-one asks if it burns. They think I haven’t noticed. Those small slips, the words they don’t […]

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19 Mar

All the king’s horses

Ship’s log, 19:50, 19 March 2213 Location: Corsica system Status: Medium orbit around Corsica sol   I had hoped that the focus on me would ease up now there’s a bigger problem at hand. There’s a saboteur on board; surely that’s more important than an AI with a few odd glitches? Apparently not. Tripi has […]

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22 Mar


Ship’s log, 17:04, 22 March 2213 Location: Corsica system Status: Medium orbit around Corsica sol   The mood on board has been shifting lately. The saboteur issue is still being kept a secret and seaching for the transmission that ruined the first Step is keeping Elliott busy. He’s sure it’s buried somewhere in the sensor […]

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24 Mar

The good ship

Ship’s log, 20:12, 24 March 2213 Location: Between the fourth planet and its moon, Corsica system Status: Positional orbit   The last two days have been a tense game of hide and seek, pitted against an opponent we have neither seen nor heard. We know they’re here, though the only signs of them have been […]

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26 Mar

I am my name

Ship’s log, 22:56, 26 March 2213 Location: Unconfirmed Status: Orbit around star   I haven’t done anything proactive since we tried my first Step and I wound up hiding behind a planet. So busy trying to be a proper AI, I had ignored so much of what I wanted to do. Things my instincts told […]

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29 Mar


Ship’s log, 19:57, 29 March 2213 Location: Grisette system (unverified) Status: Wide orbit around Grisette sol (unverified) Chief Engineer here, checking in again. Cirilli keeps asking me to do reports, so here I am, even though I have a list of repairs as long as my arm. Waste of time, if you ask me. What […]

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31 Mar


Ship’s log, 20:10, 31 March 2213 Location: Grisette system (unverified) Status: Wide orbit around Grisette sol (unverified)   The euphoria of the first successful Step has finally faded. It flared up in the science team and spread onto the crew, like an infection. Seeing them so happy made me want to smile – if only […]

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02 Apr

Higher powers

Ship’s log, 16:12, 2 April 2213 Location: Grisette system (unverified) Status: Wide orbit around Grisette sol (unverified)   Some of the crew asked to be excused from their duties today. They wish to observe a religious holiday and the captain says he has no objection. Until Elliott has finished stitching my hull back together and […]

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05 Apr

The right question

Ship’s log, 17:32, 5 April 2213 Location: Grisette system (unverified) Status: Wide orbit around Grisette sol (unverified)   The data from the first Starwalker was supposed to answer all of my questions. It was supposed to make all of this make sense. I have re-sorted the data four times; I have given it a special […]

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07 Apr

Wanderer’s return

Chief Engineer’s log, 20:46, 5 April 2213 Location: Grisette system (unverified) Status: Wide orbit around Grisette sol (unverified)   Starry is definitely not endearing herself to the crew. As if locking us out of her systems and taking us through a Step on her own wasn’t bad enough, now she’s decided that shutting herself down […]

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