Archive for the '1.3: Abort' Category

08 Mar

From the outside

Ship’s log, 16:49, 8 March 2213 Location: Corsica system Status: Close orbit around Corsica sol We’re ready. We’re finally ready for our first Step, to cross the gulf between stars in a single stride. Ebling has triple-checked all the calibrations, Levi has had a spin in the pilot’s chair, astro-navigation specialist Lang Lang has redone […]

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10 Mar

Desperate measures

Chief Engineer’s log, 19:06, 10 March 2213 Location: Behind the second planet, Corsica system Status: Positional orbit The whitecoats want a proper report about what happened with the Step. Been hounding me for two days. Hello? Need to fix the ship first? I should be checking the drive feeds, but instead I’m here, talking to […]

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12 Mar

Cold comfort

Captain’s log, 20:43, 12 March 2213 Location: Corsica system Status: Medium orbit around Corsica sol Captain John Warwick reporting. It has been four days since the abortive attempt at making a Star Step and we’re still no closer to tracking down the source of the problem. Dr Cirilli and her team are working around the […]

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15 Mar

Disturbing discoveries

Ship’s log, 20:49, 15 March 2213 Location: Corsica system Status: Medium orbit around Corsica sol This is the Starwalker reporting. All systems optimal. Crew and passengers are accounted for and undamaged. Experimental drive powered down; power cores charging. Chief Engineer investigating the full-immersion pilot’s chair. No malfunctions detected. Drone assisting. Security Officer Tripi investigating AI […]

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17 Mar

The first

Ship’s log, 14:50, 17 March 2213 Location: Corsica system Status: Medium orbit around Corsica sol   Here I am, still drifting in circles. I suck up the heat and carry on, because that’s what I’m supposed to do. No-one asks if it burns. They think I haven’t noticed. Those small slips, the words they don’t […]

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19 Mar

All the king’s horses

Ship’s log, 19:50, 19 March 2213 Location: Corsica system Status: Medium orbit around Corsica sol   I had hoped that the focus on me would ease up now there’s a bigger problem at hand. There’s a saboteur on board; surely that’s more important than an AI with a few odd glitches? Apparently not. Tripi has […]

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22 Mar


Ship’s log, 17:04, 22 March 2213 Location: Corsica system Status: Medium orbit around Corsica sol   The mood on board has been shifting lately. The saboteur issue is still being kept a secret and seaching for the transmission that ruined the first Step is keeping Elliott busy. He’s sure it’s buried somewhere in the sensor […]

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24 Mar

The good ship

Ship’s log, 20:12, 24 March 2213 Location: Between the fourth planet and its moon, Corsica system Status: Positional orbit   The last two days have been a tense game of hide and seek, pitted against an opponent we have neither seen nor heard. We know they’re here, though the only signs of them have been […]

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