20 Sep

Author’s Note: Upcoming Hiatus

The end of Starwalker’s first book is swiftly approaching. Just a couple more posts, and we’ll be there!

Thanks to all of you who have stuck by me and the story so far. It has been wonderful to have you all along for the ride!

You may be panicking right now, but please, fear not. I have a second book already sketched out, and work on that will begin soon. My current plan is to write Book 2 as my NaNoWriMo project this year.

So, to give me some time to gear up for that, I’m going to take a hiatus between books one and two. As there’s still a couple of posts to go and only one month between now and NaNo, it’ll probably be only a couple of weeks (at most, if I’m lucky!).

Starwalker will return in the first week of November. Lots more adventures to come, I promise!

There are also some shorts set in the Starwalker universe in the pipeline. Maybe I’ll post some sneak peeks during the hiatus to keep you all going.

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3 Responses to “Author’s Note: Upcoming Hiatus”

  1. daymon34 Says:

    eekkk, it is the dreaded H word…

    A nano, that should be interesting.

  2. wcurlew Says:

    I just got turned onto this blog, and I must say its been a delightful read so far. Wish I could have gotten in earlier to comment on some of the other posts. Aspects of this writing remind me of several other authors, including McCaffery, Heinlein, Poul Anderson, Card and Bill Ransom. (My apologies to the authors for any misspellings.) I’m enchanted with the twists and turns, and the clever and unexpected uses of technology. Was wondering if maybe Heinlein’s “Waldo” mini-novella may have inspired the drones name? Cannot wait for the next episodes, and if this comes out in print I’ll definately want a library copy.
    Thanks so much

  3. Melanie Says:

    Daymon – it won’t be a long hiatus! I promise. 🙂

    Bill – welcome to the blog! Thanks for commenting. I have read most of those authors, so it’s possible that they’re part of my inspiration for Starwalker!

    Waldo’s name was suggested by a reader – I put a poll up on my forum asking for suggestions. Elliott was always asking where he was, hence the name!

    I’m sure I’ll bundle Starwalker up into e-books when it’s done, and maybe on Lulu or someplace so you can get a print copy!

    Thanks for the feedback. Hope you continue to enjoy the story!